The Linga Bhairavi Avighna Yantra has graced hundreds of homes, and the Devi's Grace continues to spread. Recently, Sadhguru personally consecrated the yantras in the homes of 6 families. It was indeed a treasured moment for the families who had the privilege of welcoming Sadhguru and Devi to their home.
Linga Bhairavi is an exuberant expression of the Divine Feminine, representing the creative and nurturing aspects of the universe. Based on the ancient science of rasa-vaidhya, Sadhguru has created various Linga Bhairavi forms - the ‘Linga Bhairavi Yantra’ and the ‘Linga Bhairavi Avighna Yantra’ for enhancing the spiritual, physical, and material dimensions of life and well-being.
The aura and presence of the Linga Bhairavi Yantra brings stability of body and mind. Physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, as well as a healthy, successful, and prosperous life will be a natural outcome. The linga-shaped form will sustain its energy for hundreds of years, enabling many generations of the family to continuously enjoy the benefits of living in the Devi's Grace.
Vipulroy Rathod (M.S), Endoscopic Surgeon, Mumbai: Since Sadhguru blessed us with the Linga Bhairavi Avighna Yantra, unbelievable things have happened in our life. I’m a surgeon. The moment the patients arrive at our unit, they are experiencing a tremendous sense of peace and serenity. I’ve begun to understand what Sadhguru always says about the importance of living and working in a consecrated space.