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Sadhana Support

Free Offerings to Fine-tune & Deepen Your Practices

"However simple the sadhana is, if you work at it every day, slowly, step by step, it will create a new level of freedom within you."

What is Sadhana Support?

Sadhguru has said that Isha programs are not one-time events but life-long processes of inner transformation. With this objective, various offerings have been designed to support participants in establishing their practices and accelerating their growth.

Sadhana Support is offered both online and in-person.

Online Offerings

Monthly Satsang (English and Spanish)
Learn More
Advanced Programs Webinar
Ananda Alai
Margazhi Sadhana

In-Person Offerings

Monthly Satsang
Sadhana Stay at Isha Institute of Inner-sciences
Sadhana Morning at Isha Yoga Center LA
Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya Practice Correction Sessions
Shakti Chalana Kriya Review
Hatha Yoga Guided Practice & Review
Samyama Satsang
Samyama Sadhana
Margazhi Sadhana