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Sadhguru Quotes
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Holi is about recognizing that essentially, life is an exuberant process. On this day, I want you to be at maximum aliveness because to be alive is the most precious thing.
Human beings suffer their own memory and imagination; that is, they suffer that which does not exist.
The depth of your attention determines the depth of your experience. If your attention is profound, your experience of life is profound.
The less rigid your personality, the more powerful your presence.
Whoever you meet, speak to them like it is the last time you may have that opportunity. It will transform your life.
Discipline does not mean control. It means having the sense to do exactly what is needed.
How beautifully you can relate to someone simply depends on your willingness, flexibility, and joyfulness.
Time is not money. Time is Life.
Doubt is good – it means you are searching for truth. Suspicion is sickness.
A woman should not have to fit into a man’s world. Half the world should anyway be hers.
Life knows no failure. Failure exists only for those who are always comparing themselves with others.
It is all right if the world thinks you are weird. Everyone is different, so everyone is weird in someone’s eyes. Happily weird or miserably weird – your choice.