T hough this is the tenth episode of Kailash treks, still can't help being astounded by the sheer immensity of it all. This year has been an organisational ordeal, thanks to the uncertainties created by the visa issuing authorities. If not for the kind intervention of our External Affairs minister, we would not have made this trip at all. Isha groups are the only Indian national groups that made it to Kailash this year.

All groups made it safe and in good form, two of them are still on their return to Kathmandu. There are times when Kailash can be in cloud for days on end in this season but it is grace that not a single group from Isha has come away without Darshan in the last 10 years.

Dear Nepal a beautiful and unique nation, sort of disoriented after the earthquake. Tourism industry badly hit, the economy has taken an ugly hit. This is a land that can offer most exciting terrain for adventure tourism and a wealth of legendary places for sacred tourism. Particularly for India, this can emerge as a great destination of pilgrimage. Proper presentation of many wonderful possibilities that Nepal is, needs to happen.

Love & Grace


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