Why Go on a Pilgrimage?

A pilgrimage is not just a journey to a distant place. The unwavering resolve and the uncomplaining countenance of the visiting pilgrims, signify the highest expression of man’s search for ultimate freedom – a freedom beyond all bondage. A pilgrimage is a wonderful opportunity to experience a deeper dimension of existence, bringing grace and vitality into our lives.

Why Go on a Pilgrimage?

A pilgrimage is not just a journey to a distant place. The unwavering resolve and the uncomplaining countenance of the visiting pilgrims, signify the highest expression of man’s search for ultimate freedom – a freedom beyond all bondage. A pilgrimage is a wonderful opportunity to experience a deeper dimension of existence, bringing grace and vitality into our lives.

Experience & Sharing

A glimpse into participants' experiences


I enjoyed the Kailash sojourn thoroughly. Seeing all the participants go through the 14 days with utmost bliss and devotion really touched me. The volunteers were all wonderful! I hope everyone gets an opportunity to experience this and be touched by his grace.



I enjoyed the Kailash sojourn thoroughly. Seeing all the participants go through the 14 days with utmost bliss and devotion really touched me. The volunteers were all wonderful! I hope everyone gets an opportunity to experience this and be touched by his grace.



Kailash – a journey of a lifetime! This experience cannot be put into words; it has to be experienced.



Each and every place that we visited has its own reverberations. And yes, there were things I witnessed that are still unfathomable to me, but I am grateful that I got a chance to experience them in person.